Our nation is facing a moral crisis!
Today let us pledge that we will join our voices together in intercessory prayer for our nation and its leaders...
We will pray for our President... that he will seek God's wisdom and guidance in everything he does on behalf of our nation...that he will seek biblical truth in his policies...and that he will advance an agenda that respects the sanctity of human life and the biblical definition of marriage.
We will pray for our elected officials on Capitol Hill... that they will seek biblical truth in their deliberations...that they will support positive legislation and defeat ill-advised proposals...that they will end funding for organizations that promote and perform abortions.
We will pray for the future of our great nation... that God will heal our land...that God will send clarity to those who don't understand... that God will send a spiritual reawakening to our nation.
And remember to thank God for the freedoms we enjoy as Americans... and thank Him that His Word and His Church are alive in America.